Звуко-буквенный разбор слова БОРОВОК

Контрольное время решения 3 минуты

Название слова - БОРОВОК
Фонетический разбор слова БОРОВОК

В слове боровок 3 слога: бо-ро-вок, ударение падает на третий слог борово́к.

Транскрипция слова


  • б— [б ] — согласный, звонкий парный, твёрдый, шумный
  • о— [а ] — гласный, безударный
  • р— [р ] — согласный, звонкий непарный (сонорный), твёрдый
  • о— [а ] — гласный, безударный
  • в— [в ] — согласный, звонкий парный, твёрдый, шумный
  • о— [] — гласный, ударный
  • к— [к ] — согласный, глухой парный, твёрдый, шумный

В слове 7 букв и 7 звуков

Цветовая схема слова


Cколько звуков в слове

Примеры фонематического анализа слов с такими буквами: БВКОР

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Звуко-буквенный разбор слова БОРОВОК
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Верно ли значение у слова?

Digital asset is an information resource, derivative of the right to a value and circulating in the distributed ledger in the form of a unique identifier. The term takes into account the essential semantic features of the phenomenon under consideration and is characterized by four components: economic, legal, information, and value. Economic component in the context of the definition of the term “digital asset”. This component’s significance in the financial field is represented by a unique identifier. Legal component is represented in the legal field by a derivative of the right. A digital asset is not the right to a value in its interpretation, but it has attributes of a derivative of the right to a value. Information component is represented in the IT field by an information resource circulating in the distributed ledger. A digital asset is an information resource in the sense that the information on a value presented in a digital form has such main properties of an information resource as: information is structured according to certain parameters and categories; information is recorded on a digital medium; information can be stored, transmitted, exchanged, used, etc. In addition, a digital asset in our understanding has an additional property – information on a value is formed by the owner of this value. Value component is represented in the field of tangible and intangible assets by the “value” component. Digital asset is a kind of a guaranteed right to claim a certain value inherent in this digital asset. In other words, a digital asset serves as a digital display of value.